Sunday, January 18, 2009

Three Weeks to Say Goodbye by CJ Box

Jack & Melissa are parents of a nine month old daughter they adopted after being unable to become pregnant on their own. Out of the blue they receive the phone call from the adoption agency; a call that adoptive parents have nightmares about. The birth father didn't sign the relinquishment papers and wants the baby back. To make matters worse, his father is a powerful US District Court judge in Denver. Judge Moreland wants his son to take responsibility for his actions and while Garrett is still in school, he and his wife will raise baby Angelina. Jack and Melissa are devastated and have declined the Judge's offer of helping them find another baby to adopt. The Judge "kindly" gives them Three Weeks to Say Goodbye to their daughter; he has looked into case law and legally they can do nothing to stop him. So in those three weeks, Jack, Melissa, and their close friends are determined to find out what the real story behind Garrett and Judge John Moreland and why these men are determined take a perfectly happy and healthy baby away from her family. It won't be easy doing battle with a top judge and a seemly squeaky kid with ties to the Mexican Mafia. But what else do they have to lose?

The People Magazine review described the book as “Juno with a body count.” This fast paced, easy to read mystery is a stand alone novel from the author of the Joe Pickett mystery series.

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