Thursday, February 19, 2009

Faded Denim: Color Me Trapped by: Melody Carlson

Have you ever felt lost, or trapped inside the world you live in? Like whatever you do or how you do it there's no means of escape? Faded Denim by Melody Carlson is a fictional story that can easily true, and relatable to teenage girls today. Melody Carlson has chosen to take on the hardship of a teenage girl named Emily who struggles to keep the perfect image her friends and family and society around her have created. Emily willing will give up everything she has to keep her body the same size it has been, even if that means fighting Anorexia. As Emily becomes more and more engulfed in a part of life that says "Image is Everything" she must fight herself, and the world in this long battle. Travel with Emily in this novel as she goes from the laughing stock of girls in her school, to having everything, and losing it all again... and wondering if she'll be able to find off Anorexia once and for all.
Beautifully written, with time and effort Melody Carlson stole my heart and made me look at the world we live in today. Many teenage girls in our society believe that image is everything, and will do anything to have what magazines define as beauty, and what models are suppose to look like. This book questions the true definition of beauty, and how people should define it. I suggest it to anyone who wants to see a different side of the beauty in life. :]
4Q-Better than Most
3P-Some Teen Appeal

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