Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A Kiss In TIme by: Alex Flinn

Ever want to read a new era princess story? How about sleeping beauty. Classic movies and books can be fun, but this new novel A Kiss In Time written by Alex Flinn takes a new twist to the classic tale.

Talia- the princess of Euphrasia has anything and everything her life could ask for beauty, grace, and intelligence but still her heart longs for the freedom to do as she pleases. The same freedom that has been taken from her for the past sixteen years of her life because of a curse which is to take place before her 16th birthday. Talia has been kept away from the world, and spindles especially to prolong and outlive the curse, until the eve of her birthday of course. Reaching out for freedom she seizes the opportunity, and has brought misfortune to her kingdom of Euphrasia forever. Her kingdom and herself sleep for 300 years, and are away from the rest of the world. Until one day a boy named Jack comes across a hedge and a hidden kingdom. He didn't plan of seeing a secret kingdom, nor to awaken some beautiful girl by a kiss, but only to to escape the school he was forced to attend in the first place. Travel with Jack and Talia to realize that nothing is what it seems, that feelings cannot just be bottled up, as well as fear and anger that people face in the world, but only to see and experience the real world for the first time.


5Q- Hard to imagine a better book

3P- Appeals to some readers

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