Sunday, April 17, 2011

Poppy by Avi

"No creature is allowed to leave their homes without the permission of the great horned owl, Ocax." One night Poppy, a young deer mouse, and her boyfriend Ragweed go out at night to dance. They thought that they weren't being watches but they were wrong. Ocax in a fit of rage swoops down and devours Ragweed while slightly missing Poppy. Poppy runs back home to her family who are all wanting to move to a new house in search for food. When her family asks the great owl for permission he immediately says no. Poppy being blamed for it all now must journey to investigate why the horned owl rejects their offer. On her journey she meets a cranky old porcupine who agrees to help Poppy get to the new house. When they arrive Poppy is stopped by Ocax. As a last gift to a friend the porcupine gives Poppy one of his needles to fend off the owl. The question is will it work? This book is amazing a and exhilarating. Every page made me want to continue. Though a children's book, I strongly recommend this to any teen. It is a story of adventure, sadness, and courage. I give it this book a good 5/5. This book is marvel and anyone who reads this will be amazed.

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