Thursday, September 21, 2006

A Bad Boy Can Be Good For A Girl by Tanya Lee Stone

Have you ever been in love? How about lust? Maybe just those giddy feelings and butterflies in your stomach? I’m sure we all have. But more often than not, young love doesn’t last, no matter how hard you try. How do you view the relationship once it has ended? Would you be influenced by who broke it off? What if you found out the guy you thought was wonderful turned out to be a player? Would you share your story with others and warn the girl destined to be next? Josie did and created an uprising.
Josie is a freshman worried about fitting into high school and then she meets the perfect guy-good looking, popular, jock. He’s a senior and she’s excited he’s even noticed her. Yeah, so what if his friends call her “freshmeat” and he’s constantly trying to hook up. He pays attention to her (most times) and says she’s special. But he suddenly ends it after she says she wants to wait. Josie is heartbroken but eventually takes solace in the library thinking about the book Forever by Judy Blume. Then it dawns on her. Why not write a warning to the female student body of Point Beach High in the back of the book. Josie makes sure to spread the word.
One person who fails to care is Nicolette. She’s a junior and doesn’t even date guys at Point Beach. Then she notices “the guy” and he notices her. They meet several times in the art supply closet before going all the way. One day he acts cold and reminds her they were never exclusive. Nicolette finally decides to find out what secrets Forever holds.
Aviva is a senior and a self-proclaimed “criss-crosser.” She’s comfortable with herself and hangs with lots of crowds. The guy takes her to a party (the weekend before ending it with Nicolette) and they begin to spend every weekend together. Sure he doesn’t always call when he says he will but he’s so sweet when they are together. One afternoon she gives herself to him and in the heat of the moment says those three fateful words: “I LOVE YOU” and suddenly the phone doesn’t ring. Aviva eventually reads Forever which is crammed with notes from tons of girls and realizes she’s not alone.
Teenage love can be exciting and heartbreaking. But coming through on the other side and realizing you are one of the survivors (and not alone) is enlightening. And sometimes A Bad Boy Can Be Good for a Girl.

**This book is written in verse and each girl tells their own story. It is a fun, quick read.**

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