Monday, August 27, 2007

Dane's Review: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by JK Rowling

As I can only imagine, there are other reviews of the much awaited "end of an era" or series as it were. In fact I'm quite certain that even an NCPL review of it exists. Queue magix, and immerse yourself; cause as I see it there are two types of HP readers, those who buckle down in a closet with a pocket clam and read the whole book in 1 day, or readers like myself; those who stop to speculate, or nap, or forget you left the book in your parents' room and want to read it @ midnight.
Welp!, the book itself. Assuming you've already read the first six, its a pretty fulfilling ending. It went in pretty much the direction I saw it going and without giving spoilers, a lot happens in the book rather quickly. If you are an avid lover of the series, you've already read it I'm sure, but its definitely worth reading all 7 if you haven't and like magic and mystery. Harry, a wizard, is basically trying to thwart Voldemort and/or kill him for good in the book. I wouldn't say its 100% predictable but you can decide that. Good luck finishing a series that I followed from the start, but I'm really looking forward to Confessor, the ending of book to another long series, The Sword of Truth (by Terry Goodkind), which I also suggest.
Rating: 4P, 5Q

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