Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Pay It Forward by Catherine Ryan Hyde

I have an assignment for you. Think of a way YOU can change the world. Recycle, paint over graffiti, pick up trash, read to the elderly or little kids, volunteer at the library. These are all noble ideas and some might really help our community. But will they really affect change in the world? Probably not.
Have you ever heard of the concept “Pay It Forward”? It’s like random acts of kindness, but not random. Every person must choose three people and do something that will improve their life. For instance, you could provide assistance to a homeless person (food, clothing, money, job, shelter), mow an elderly person’s lawn, or just listen to someone who is lonely. Instead of paying you back, those three people will “Pay It Forward” to three new people and on and on. The best part is the assignment doesn’t have to cost you a thing, unless money is something you have to share. You can give of your time, talents, and treasures. You could even help someone anonymously, if you choose. The possibilities are endless.
This is the story of Trevor, who single-handedly spearheaded a movement that changed the world. Trevor was only 13. What will you do to “Pay It Forward” and change the world?

PAY IT FORWARD will be the book selection for NCPL's One Book One Community program in September 2007. Pay It Forward will be the Teen Book Club, grades 9-12, selection for September as well. Teens are encouraged to stop by in September for a free copy of the book. Other One Book events include a viewing of the movie at the Rialto Theater and a visit by the author Catherine Ryan Hyde.

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