Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Inexcusable by Chris Lynch

Does it ever seem to you like you might see yourself and the world differently than it sees you? Have you ever uttered the phrase “the way it looks is not the way it is”? That’s what’s happening to Keir. Keir is a jock, part of the football team and an honorary soccer teammate. He wasn’t noticed much by his classmates until that fateful football game his senior year. Keir is the kicker; he’s not a part of the defense or the offense. But for some reason, that game he was playing cornerback. And what happened wasn’t his fault. That’s the way it was decided. He was just playing the game exactly the way he’d been taught. The play he made was textbook. It wasn’t his fault that the guy he tackled never got up and is crippled. That event resulted in his moniker “Killer” or more appropriate “Killier”. Since then Keir has become invincible. He and the other senior football players have gotten away with behavior that by most would seem INEXCUSABLE. But where do you draw the line? When do you become responsible for your actions? When do drugs and alcohol blur your perceptions of who you are and who others see you to be? What is the truth and what is a lie?

**Be aware that the subject of this book is date rape and there is some strong language.**

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