Thursday, September 21, 2006

Just Like That by Marsha Qualey

Have you ever noticed that the moments in our life seem to occur in a chain reaction, and JUST LIKE THAT our world is never the same. Hanna is a senior in Minneapolis. Her boyfriend is away at college and when she goes to the airport with his family to pick him up, she realizes JUST LIKE THAT that she doesn’t have feelings for him. Her friends and family expect her to be heartbroken by the breakup. But here’s the thing: She’s NOT. On that cold winter night, she makes the choice to take a long late night walk around the lakes and her whole world changes, JUST LIKE THAT.
Hanna’s sitting on a bench watching two ice skaters, who later warn her that the ice is too thin. Then a crazy couple on an ATV comes zipping by. Frustrated, Hanna leaves without warning them about the ice. The last thing she sees is them headed across the lake. On the news the next morning, Hanna learns that the ATV fell through the ice and the teens are dead. Hanna feels responsible although she can’t bring herself to tell anyone she was the last person to see them alive. Hanna is an artist and goes back to that spot near the lake to draw. There she finds a boy in a yellow cap with green stripes, kneeling in the snow. He appears to be mourning the dead teens. Hanna feels immediately drawn to him and can’t stop herself from sketching him over and over again and soon after adds the sketches to her website. She decides she must find this boy. But when she does, the secrets they share change their lives, JUST LIKE THAT.

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