Friday, September 29, 2006

Mary's Review: Sugar Rush by Julie Burchill

Let's begin with a few basic facts.
1.) Kim, our heroine and would be protagonist, has recently changed schools from an all girls private high school to the infamous Ravendene public high.
2.) Kim's first step in this land of the unknown is to fall in love with Raver party girl, Sugar.
The novel spends the majority of its time chronicling Kim's use, abuse and uncertainties in her relationship with Sugar (one must use the term relationship loosely, as Sugar seems nothing if not phobic at the idea of settling into something requiring commitment). One is not entirely sure whether to pity Kim or grow frustrated with her and the emotion tends to change back and forth as the novel goes on. However, the ending is a form of full circle and the book leaves the reader less than utterly depressed (always something to hope for).
Final Verdict: 4Q-Better than most; 3P-Some teen appeal

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