Saturday, December 16, 2006

Emily's Review: Lord of the Flies by William Golding

Lord of the Flies is by far one of my favorite books (and when those are things like Jane Eyre, The Master and Margarita, Les Miserables, and The Turn of the Screw, you can tell a lot about my tastes-so if you're not interested in the classics, you can probably stop reading now!)

It's brutal, like Abbie said, it's incredibly dark, gory, and full of death--and, yeah, it's about schoolboys no older than twelve. The dialogue, like Hemingway's, often eschews the "said" tag, so it's confusing! The quality of prose, though, is unparalled. It seems clipped and sparse at points, and rich with description at others. This is definitely a book young writers want to read because of it and the study of human nature within--be warned, though. Just because a book is about children doesn't mean it's for them (Lolita, anyone?).
Rating: 5Q, 3P

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