Monday, December 14, 2009

Escape was written by Carolyn Jessop which tells her story of life in a polygamous marriage.

Unlike most polygamous families, she lived a relatively care-free early childhood. In the beginning, she was loved and her family was relatively stable. Her father had a middle class job and the children were allowed to go to a public school. However, like most "perfect" FLDS childhoods, hers was about to end in a dramatic way, starting with her mother's physical abuse.

Since polygamy was encouraged, and status was gained my men who practiced this, her father began to take in more wives, which added stress on the entire family and particularly the other wives, who looked for ways to spend their emotions. This way was usually through their children. This was practiced because it was thought children needed constant reprimand.

A little after Carolyn was 18 years old, she was married as a fourth wife to a man who knew no boundaries. Thus she spent over a decade listening to his manipulation, abuse, and dictatorship, after escaping with her 8 children to modern society.

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