Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Living Dead Girl by Elizabeth Scott

Living Dead GirlOnce upon a time there was a little girl who had a perfect life, with two parents who would never dream of hurting her. That little girl didn’t know how lucky she was. During a field trip to an aquarium she met a man who would change her life, her name, her soul forever. She would become a hollow shell of a person, a Living Dead Girl. Once upon a time that little girl’s name wasn’t Alice and she wasn’t Ray’s little girl. Once upon a time that little girl’s life ended and her worst nightmare began.

Why I picked up the book: The original hardback cover-with the white dress laying on dried leaves and jean leg.

Why I finished it: It is probably one of the only books I've read in one sitting (twice). The writing style intrigued me and I couldn't get Alice out of my head. I couldn't leave her alone without knowing what ultimately happened to her and if she was ever able to escape.

I'd give it to: anyone (teens, parents, teachers) who has a tough stomach. By no means is this an easy book to read but the content is timely. Within the past five years, several kidnapping victims have been found and many people, including the media, have speculated on why they never tried to escape.

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

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