Thursday, February 17, 2011

Red Riding Hood

Name: Krystiana Graham

Grade: 12th

Title: Red Riding Hood

Author: Sarah Blakley-Cartwright (Introduction by Catherine Hardwicke)

Review: Who doesn't like a good book with mystery, werewolves, girls in red cloaks... Oh wait... You're thinking of that fairy tale? Little Red Riding Hood... Oh no, puppets. This is the real deal. This is the story they don't want you to know about. Valerie is the girl behind that red cloak though, a teenager living in a city plagued by a werewolf simply called The Wolf. Sacrifices happen monthly, in an effort to keep the Wolf from them. But... this month is different. This story is set during the Blood Moon. And during this moon, no one is safe from the Wolf. Blakley-Cartwright shows a unique twist to the old fable of little red riding hood, introducing new, never see characters. A blacksmith, A sister, the towns folks. Best friends. Yet, it continues to show where threads of the fable mix with this book, giving it the generic plot line of the werewolf and girl. The woodcutter (or a version of him anyways) the grandmother....

The story begins with a festival of sorts that goes astray when Valerie's perfect sister dies, leaving Valerie lost in her own world. Her best friends attempt to keep her company. Her fiance tries to cheer her up. But nothing works, not really, until Valerie has a run in with an old friend, Peter. Do to the death of Valerie's sister, the men soon get together, from this tiny village, in an attempt to hunt down the wolf who has caused them ill for so long. But, Valerie, who had seen the wolf once before, has an odd connection with the wolf. A connection that makes her realize that the dead wolf the men bring back isn't the wolf they should be after. When a foreign priest comes to the village, however, he soon shows them the wrong of their ways, when during the celebration party for the wolf's death, the real Wolf strikes back.

It is during this party that Valerie comes to realize how deep this connection of hers is with the wolf, and just why the wolf is coming out during the blood moon. The story is set around Valerie, explaining the tale as she sees it. Illustrating forbidden romances, deaths of loved ones, and near death herself. It shows what one may give up for true happiness, and shows the ultimate sacrifice, and how that can move the people originally fighting against you. But, if you want to know the secrets behind what exactly happens towards the end of this book. You must pick it up yourself. Unless you're a cheater, then you can just go see it in theaters. For, like many other books of late, Red Riding Hood is going to be in a theater near you soon.

Why I picked this book up: Like most of my books, this is actually a book my mom picked out. And, when I saw it I had a heart attack. I love the faerie tale remakes, reading other people's versions of the fables I grew up with. And this one definitely didn't disappoint.

Why I finished it: I have always loved Little Red Riding Hood, granted not as much as Beauty and the Beast, but it has always been a favorite, so I had to read it. But I finished it because it was absolutely amazing... and I have to read a book before I go see the movie. I like knowing what they don't show.

I'd give this book too: Anyone who loves faerie tales, fables, werewolves, fantasy romance, and anyone who wants a good book. This book expertly crosses over so many lines of interest that anyone can pick up this book and fall in love with it.

Rating: *****/5 It was to good to be anything less.

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