Emily's Review: Colleges That Change Lives by Loren Pope
This is for everyone, like me, sick of the mindset that we all ought to go to UW, or schools in surrounding states, or the smart kids who think they'll be invalidated if they don't get into some Ivy League or whatever. Here's a hint: these colleges are where the real cool people are, the kind that don't actually care whether they're cool or not, but actually enjoy learning. Gasp. (Note: I'm not trying to diss those schools at the beginning of the paragraph. No, seriously. I'm not.) Colleges That Change Lives bills itself as a book with the "40 schools you should know about even if you're not a straight-A student." That fits me pretty well. I'm still cringing over the results of my first round of applications. This book has helped me with my college search immensely--after compiling a list of 20+ schools that might accommodate me as a transfer student, I managed to narrow my sights down to three; they're all in this book, even though it was hardly my primary resource. Colleges That Change Lives talks about experiences, environments, everything, and in the words of students. That's a hechuva lot nicer than, say, a list of statistics.This library's copy is, unfortunately, a little dated. One of the listed colleges, Antioch, closed recently due to lack of funds. I recommend checking out the website, too: http://www.ctcl.com/
Hey, Reed! Marlboro! Saint Olaf! You had better watch out. Thanks, Loren Pope.
Rating: 4Q, 4P
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