Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

Name: Caitlin

Grade: 12

Title: Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

Author: Jonathan Foer

On September 11, 2001, thousands of people lost the ones they loved. Among them is nine-year-old Oskar Schell. In Extremely Loud and Incredibly close, the reader follows Oskar and his grandparents as they discuss their journeys to find Thomas Schell, Oskar's deceased father. Oskar's journey begins when he finds a mysterious key with his father's belongings and decides to track down the one lock in New York City that the key will fit in. Oskar's grandmother and grandfather intercept his story with stories of their own; they had been involved in the horrific Dresden bombings, lost the people they truly loved and decided to settle for each other.

This book was one of the best books I have ever read. What made it so wonderful were the individual voices of the characters. Oskar is one of those amazing kids that change the lives of everyone around him, even if he doesn't realize it. Every person Oskar encountered in the book came away feeling better about their lives because of him.

Foer has taken this book filled with devastating stories and horrible situations and put it into a nine-year old's perspective. Both 9/11 and the Dresden bombings left thousands dead and millions devastated, but in Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, the reader follows each character as they struggle with their pain and find ways to help them cope. This book was beautifully, if unconventionally, written and speaks to the human perspective. I cared about Oskar as a character more than I have cared for a character since Harry Potter. His story and innocence draws you in and captivates you until the very last page. I was rooting for him the whole way. I think Oskar understands what he's doing in life more than I do- and I'm almost a decade his senior. Oskar and his grandparents and their stories may or may not have changed my perspective on things. If they did anything, they made this book one of the most spectacular books I have ever read.

Why I picked up the book: My sister dropped it on my bed and said "You should read this." So, I eventually picked it up on a whim and started it.

Why I finished it: I couldn't abandon the characters like that. I really didn't want to put the book down at all.

I'd give this book to: Anyone and everyone up for an amazing book.

My rating for this book: *****

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