Sunday, March 20, 2011

River Marked by Patricia Briggs

Name: Krystiana Graham

Grade: 12th grade

Title: River Marked (Book Six in the Mercy Thompson Series)

Author: Patricia Briggs

Review: If you have never read any of the Mercy Thompson series, then you must head directly towards your nearest library and pick up the first in the series, Moon Called. It was an accident when I first got into the Mercy Thompson series. I'd actually read another book by Patricia Briggs, and thought Moon Called was the next one in the series, I'd never been so happy to be wrong. Mercy Thompson is the main character in the series, a Native American (Blackfeet) and Anglo American girl, who can shape shift into a Coyote. She calls herself a walker, and is led to believe that she is the only kind left of her species, do to vampires hunting them out. Raised by werewolves, the marrok's pack, none the less, when Mercy moved to tri-cities, she didn't think she'd get into to much trouble. Unless you count he black witch, the faerie that wanted to kill her, the gray lords, the Queen of the Vampires. The alpha of the pack near her, and his pack members (after all, coyotes and wolves don't get along to well). Ya... no trouble at all. But, none of the past problems are like what she faces in River Marked. Finally her life is suppose to be falling into place. She and Adam are getting married, Adam being the alpha of the Tri-Cities' Pack. And for the honeymoon. They go camping.

Harmless, delightful fun, right? They think so... Until Mercy sees the ghost of her father, then they learn that some fae have manipulated them into coming to the camp site. Then they run into a guy with his foot cut off... And then... Mercy meets more walkers. The story continues, encounters with walkers, with some Indian gods, not to mention the delightful otterkin in the river. Though, nothing is as bad as the real danger hiding under the murky depths of the water. Adam and Mercy are thrown into a world they weren't expecting to be a part of. They're forced to help the Indians they meet along the way, and have to save the world from a creature that will only bring dow the world. And one thing is certain. Under no circumstance, is the River Devil to win this new fight. Allied with only her mate, and alpha werewolf. A handful of walkers, a medicine man, his apprentice, Coyote, and some other Indian gods, Mercy will take on her biggest challenge yet... But you have to read the book if you want to know if she'll survive.

Why I picked up this book: Patricia Briggs has always been a favorite author of mine. I got hooked on her when I read the first book in the Alpha and Omega series, and when I hit it of with the Mercy Thompson series, a companion series, I knew I was in love. Every book that has come out, I make sure I'm one of the first on hold. I'll actually search up on Barnes and Nobles just to find out when it was to come out. So, I was quick about getting this one on hold for me. And when it finally came in, I was more then happy with the next turn of events in Mercy's life.

Why I finished it: It is rare that I never finish a book. Extremely rare. I love reading, and if I hold out long enough I can usually trap myself with in the pages, and get lost in the story. This one was no different - though a bit harder to finish do to an overwhelming about of stuff going on lately. But, never the less, once I got into the book, and had some time to actually finish it, I couldn't put it down. Near midnight last night, I finally closed the book after reading the last page, only to grown when I realized, now I have to wait for the next one. With Patricia Briggs, it isn't the question of 'why I finished?' but 'How long it will take me to finish.'

I'd give this book to: Really, this book has a little bit of everything. Gorgeous werewolves, gay couples, a vampire with an addiction to Scooby Doo, Fae, monsters. You name it. They have it. And, it's the sort of book that anyone can relate to the heroine, because of all of her natural flaws, and strong points. There's a part in the series that will appeal to everyone. So you can't limit the story by saying 'so and so should read this.' or 'people who like this should read it.' No... This is a series for everyone. Besides, if the end of the world is coming, because of the River Devil, we all need to know how to fight her. And this book will give you detailed instructions.

Rating: Five out of Five; for this book. Nothing less fitting for the top quality that Patricia Briggs never fails to deliver.

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