Name: Serina
Grade: 12+
Title: A Bride's Story
Author/illustrator: Kaoru Mori
On the nineteenth century Silk Road, twenty year old Amir Halgal has just been married to a boy eight years younger than her. Amir is from a Nomadic tribe, and finds the village life to be quite different than from what she grew up with, but she has an unwavering spirit that shines through no matter what misunderstandings she has with her new family, which includes new grandparents, new parents, and new siblings, as well as an Englishman who is staying with them to learn about their culture. It isn't long before Amir develops strong feelings for her young husband and becomes attached to all the kindly people in his family. However, Amir's tribe decides that sending her away to be married to the boy was a mistake, and they want her back to give her to a new man, one from a violent tribe, so that they can be in it's good graces. Amir is shocked by this turn of events, and is horrified to learn that two girls who had been sent previously to this clan to be married were killed. Amir doesn't want to leave her current husband or family, but her tribe is willing to do anything to get her back, even if it means slaughter.
A Bride's Story is a historical manga about life on the Silk Road during the nineteenth century, filled with gorgeous imagery, scenery, and characters. It is an exotic tale to say the least, but that doesn't mean the reader can't understand or even recognize the strong emotions within.
I picked this book up because the art was beautiful.
I finished this book because it was so engrossing and different that other manga.
I'd give this book to any fan of learning about other cultures or history.
Rating: ***** It was amazing!