Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Lovely Bones

Name: Serina

Grade: 12+

Title: The Lovely Bones

Author: Alice Sebold

Susie Salmon is dead. She was murdered when she was fourteen years old, on December 6, 1973. Now, from a place that is not quite the heaven she expected, she watches her family struggle to accept their loss, and her killer try to cover up the evidence. Her thirteen year old sister hardly speaks, and when she does, it is always to say something cruel. Her mother is depressed and doesn't know what to live for. Her younger brother doesn't understand what has happened. And her father is desperate to find the man that killed his daughter. He has a suspicion that it is one of their neighbors, Mr. Harvey, a quiet man with little social life. However, everyone says he couldn't possibly be the killer, he's too timid and kind, and there is no evidence to be found. The only thing recovered of Susie's body was her elbow. Susie's father's instinct is all too correct; Mr. Harvey did murder her, along with many other girls, and he has kept it hidden for years. Now he is covering up his tracks again, getting further out of reach. Susie watches all of this unfold, wishing she could somehow interact, but the dead can't communicate with the living. Can they?

I picked this book up because I always wanted to read it.

I finished this book because I had to know how it ended.

I'd give this book to just about anyone.

Rating: ***** It was amazing!

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