Friday, April 19, 2013

Coraline Graphic Novel

Name: Serina

Grade: 12+

Title: Coraline, the graphic novel version

Author: Neil Gaiman

Adapted and illustrated by: P. Craig Russell

Coraline's life is dull. Her mother and father are always busy and have no time for her, and none of the neighbors can get her name right. She spends her time wandering around the Pink Palace, the name of the home that is now a set of apartments that her family has moved into. The two women downstairs are washed up actresses with annoying dogs, and the strange man upstairs keeps to himself and seems to be crazy. Coraline is lonely and bored out of her mind until she discovers a door that seemingly leads to nowhere, but allows her to enter a world that looks like her own only better. There she meets her other mother and other father, both of whom have plenty of time and activities for her. The two women in the basement put on amazing performances and turn themselves young, while the man upstairs puts on a rat circus for Coraline to enjoy. Things seem good, and Coraline is tempted to stay with her other mother rather than go back to her real one, but something about this new world makes Coraline uncomfortable; the people there have buttons for eyes. Coraline's fears are confirmed when her other mother tells her that she can stay forever as long as she sews buttons into her eyes. Coraline is frightened and flees back to the real world, only to discover her parents aren't there. The other mother has stolen them. Coraline will have to go back and face her other mother in a dangerous game to get her real parents back, or fail and be trapped there forever.

I picked this book up because I had read the original novel and wanted to read the graphic novel.

I finished this book because it was interesting and a little different from the book.

I'd give this book to anyone unsatisfied with their normal life and parents are to anyone looking for a good fantasy adventure.

Rating: **** Really liked it, though the art was a little dull and flat at times.

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