Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Metro Girl

Name: Michelle Sherwin
Book Title: Metro Girl
Author: Janet Evanovich

Alex is a girl who just wants to start acting like one. She has had just about enough of the living under a car constantly helping her dad at his auto mechanics shop. She wants to lead a fairly normal life, but with her family that is apparently just too much to ask. She gets just what she wants in one sense. She gets the chance to get out from under cars, but only to find her trouble making brother Bill. Somewhere along the lines she stummbles into the arms of NASCAR Guy aka Sam Hooker who attempts to help her find her brother and the "borrowed boat" her brother has possession of. Along the way these two have their ups and downs. Will Sam get a chance to find more than just his boat on his break? Will Alex find the time to get away from cars or is there no way around her love of them? Will Bill and the boat return safely? And why is the Cuban government chasing the two of them ? Find out in Metro Girl.

Janet Evanovich's style in this story is very similar to her other styles and yet she finds ways to mix up the story and create something all new and different. The way that she characterizes Alex in this book is one of the strongest aspects. Alex is constantly surrounded by the bad boy type and  it seems like no matter where she turns there is another one waiting for her. Another good aspect of the book is the twists that are added to the story all the time. One of the biggest down sides to this book is the way that it ends. While the story itself is finished there are many loose ends left to be tied up and I have yet to read the next book and see how well she does that.

I picked this book up because it looked like an interesting book that I might enjoy given Janet Evanovich's other works.

I finished this book because it had many twists and turns to keep me interested and wanting to read the next one.

I'd give this book to anyone who cared for this author's other works or anyone interested in a good search and rescue type book.

I give this book a 


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