Thursday, February 16, 2012

Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children

Name: Serina

Grade: College

Title: Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children

Author: Ransom Riggs

Jacob was always envious of his adventurous Grandfather, and loved hearing his intriguing stories about how he had grown up with some children with very special abilities and how they had to stay hidden away on a mysterious island to stay out of the hands of monsters. However, as Jacob grew older, he began to doubt his Grandfather's fantastical tales, even overlooking the bizarre photos that his Grandfather had of the children he supposedly lived with. But at his Grandfather's deathbed, Jacob receives some ominous last words and a strange letter from a mysterious woman named Miss Peregrine that sends him packing and traveling to an island off the coast of Wales, where his Grandfather had spent his childhood. What Jacob finds there is not what he remembered from his Grandfather's stories, and it appalls him as well as sets him off on an adventure he will wish he never had...

As a bonus, this book has vintage pictures of the peculiar children through the chapters.

I picked this book up because it looked interesting.

I finished this book because it was so strange!

I'd give this book to anyone looking for something out of the ordinary.

Rating: ****

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