Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Between the Lines by Jodi Picoult & Samantha Van Leer

Between the Lines What happens between the lines "once upon a time" and "happily ever after". You're about to find out.

We all know the classic fairy tales. But for most of us, they are merely just stories we enjoyed as children, stories we escaped into to get away from the real world. Just tales, right? But what if your favorite story could come to life or had a life of its own when you weren't reading it?

Delilah would rather be buried in a book than be anywhere else, especially school. She finds a fairy tale stuffed into the stacks in her high school library and can't seem to put it down. She is drawn to it and one day something crazy happens. Prince Oliver, the fairy tale's Prince Charming, speaks to her from the pages. Delilah knows this isn't possible but what if? What if he is real and what if they could find a way to be together?

Find out what really goes on "Between the Lines."

Why I picked up the book: I love Jodi Picoult. The premise of this book sounded fun, although I'm not usually one for fairy tales. I wanted to see how a partnership with her daughter worked and if it would work for a teen audience.

Why I finished it: I wanted to know if Delilah and Oliver would get their "happy ever after".

I didn't particularly like the different colors for each section. I'm used to each character/narrator having a different font, but the colors messed with my eyes. It probably wouldn't bother teens.

I like Jodi's other books better than this one but I can see the huge teen appeal.

I'd give it to: readers who like fairy tales. Teenage girls who love to read and want a sweet romance/love story.

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

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