Wednesday, May 01, 2013


Name: Serina

Grade: 12+

Title: Author

Author: Mike Mullin

Wyoming's Yellowstone National Park is home to beautiful geysers and springs, but it is in fact an enormous supervolcano just underneath the surface. Luckily, it is dormant, but unluckily, it is also overdue for an eruption that could wipe out half the states and cover the rest in poisonous fumes and ash. This actually happens unexpectedly one fine day when Alex, a teenager home for the weekend by himself while his family is on vacation, finds his house quite suddenly tipping sideways and on fire. He manages to get himself out of the burning wreckage and into the care of his next door neighbors who saw something had happened. But Alex's house is just the beginning. An earthquake rumbles under their feet and Alex and his neighbors are forced into the safety of their large plastic tub. Things go from bad to worse when a thunderous noise starts up and continues on for what seems like forever. Alex forces toilet paper into his ears and covers them with thick headphones to try and drown out the ear shattering sound. When the rumbling finally ceases and the three are sure they are not deaf, they look outside in what should be the brightest part of the day to see nothing but a black sky raining ash down in huge piles. No communications are working, and Alex becomes increasingly more desperate to find his family until he finally sets out into this new hellish world, determined to be reunited with them.

I picked this book up because it was about Yellowstone erupting.

I finished this book because it was full of action.

I'd give this book to any dystopian or apocalyptic fan.

Rating: *** Liked it.

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