Name: Krystiana Graham
Grade: Senior
Book Title: Dead Witch Walking (The Hollows; #1)
Author: Kim Harrison
Summary: As the title suggests, the story Dead Witch Walking is about a young woman named Rachel Morgan, who after being stuck at a job she despised, decided to quit. Ah, you're probably wondering what this has in common with the title right?W ell, what if I told you that she was a Witch? And not just any witch, but a witch runner. You see, in the book, a runner is someone who is sent after a member of the 'Hollows' who has abusing their powers. Vampires forcing themselves upon victims, for blood. Weres causing chaos. Black Witches.... You're probably staring now right, Vampires, Weres, Witchs; the likes (and then some) all exist in the Hollows. You see, when a outbreak of some sort of poison fell upon the human world it was only humans (and elves who had bred into the human world) who were affected, and began to die off. And between you and me, the poison was carried in tomatoes. But, as it, when the humans began dying out, all the others realized here was their chance to take back the world. After a full on war, in some descriptions, and a retreat in others, the humans welcomed the 'others' as long as they stayed in the Hollows, and didn't bother them. So, to keep this peace, Runners, who were part of a group called the I.S. But, they don't allow you to quit. It's basically a 'you join up' you're in till you die... which, happens a lot.
So, Rachel Morgan decided to quit. Of course, this would have been okay if it was only her leaving - seeing how they wanted her to leave. But in the act of leaving, she took their best runner with her. Causing such an intense stir of emotions, that because they couldn't put money on the other girls' head (because she paid her contract off) they put out a hit on her. The entire story consists of Rachel running into some sort of trouble, here or there. Being thrown into a rat fight, as a small mink. Being caught in a bad guys house.... Things like this... Oh, that bad guy? Hmm, well, you see. When she realized the one way to get them off her back was to bring Trent in. Trent was a man who no one could pin any crimes on, though they all knew he was guilty. So she has to go through catching him, arresting him, avoiding certain death - all while dealing with an annoyed vampire she manages to keep turning on by accident, a man who she has no idea what to do, a demon she owes a favor too, and a pixy who thinks he's always right. All in all, the book is full of twist, turns, ups, downs, and the always favored cliff hanger.... But it's up to you if you want to keep reading.
Why I picked the book up: A few years back I had the misfortune of falling in love with this series, but because I could never get ahold of the first book, I resorted to reading the next one. Curiosity finally forced me to come back, read the series over again, this time starting with the first book in the series - I wasn't prepared for what I had missed.
Why I finished it: Honestly, it was impossible to put down. i was reading it in English, before Class, during Lunch, during Astronomy. My friends repeatedly kept asking what I was reading - I kept telling them... It was just impossible to not read.
I'd give this book to: Well, if you live in Cincinnati, this will probably be a survival guide, so I would defiantly recommend you to read it. Who knows! You might decide that you need to take on saving the world form these people too! Otherwise, I'd recommend this to anyone who likes your fantasy styled action packed, oh so amazing twisted stories. Well, not really twisted, but close enough.
My Rating: ***** , I hate giving anything a five, but after reading what I'd skipped out on the first time around - well, there is no other choice really. it's a five, or nothing xD And I wouldn't give this masterpiece a 0 to save my life!