Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sophomore Switch

Name: Shelby


Book Title: Sophomore Switch

Author: Abby McDonald

A semester abroad isn't always what it's expected to be. Take Emily a brain smart Brit girl from Oxford, working her whole life studying in order to become someone her father can be proud of who was suppose to be at Harvard, not UCSB, and the exact opposite Natasha a California born babe who's used to the guys, and umlimited sunshine. When each of the girls gets involved in switching it up for their Fall semester of their College Sophomore year- the trip itself is anything but expected. Both girls complete opposites are asking for advice from each other in order to fit in to make their semester abroad better than the first couple of days or even weeks of being outcasted and made fun of. Through emails, text messages, phone calls, and any form of communication each girl gives advice for the other in the areas of fashion, boys, and studies. While this newly found discovery is great and fortunate for both, each girl walks away with more than just a new friendship, and new styles, but a deeper sense of self, and purpose.
Why I picked up this book: I seem to always go for the attractive covers, and sophomore switch, just the title caught me questioning whether it were college or tenth grade in high school. I happened to be very fortunate to have it be about college :) which made me excited to read it on my thanksgiving vacation.
Why I finished it:
It was great, Abby does a great job developing both characters and having them live seperate lives, but communicate thoroughly. while this novel was cute, it was also a moral for development of who you are, and knowing what you are doing with your life. Abby also, did a great job of every other chapter writing from Emily's point of view, and then writing from Natasha's point of view keeping me focused and reading most of the time ;)
I'd give this book to:
Anyone who wants to read about the chaos of having a real life as a college student, and it's easily relatable to the lifestyle of what happens when your in a new place away from home, and the purpose of life. :)
Ratings ****

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