Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Glass Castle by Jeanette Walls

Name: Caitlin

Grade: 12

Book: The Glass Castle by Jeanette Walls

A glass castle; a majestic, towering structure made entirely of glass. For Jeanette Walls, this was one of the amazing dreams her father provided for her growing up. Together, she and her father would build the glass castle.

While her father did inspire her with brilliant stories and knowledge, the life that he provided for her and her siblings was less than average. The whole Walls family was always on the run; from the police, from people that want their money. For Jeanette, this life was wonderful-at first. As the book opens, Jeanette is only five and loves her father and his ideas very much. As the book progresses, however, as she tries to remain loyal to her father, everyone around her begins to lose hope.

Jeanette's father is wonderful-- when he's sober. On the nights that he drinks, though, he is violent and oppressive. When he spends the money he gets from odd jobs on alcohol, the children go without food. Unfortunately, their poverty and unsettled lifestyle grows. As his alcoholism grows, the family grows further and further apart, and the dreams of the glass castle start to fade for dreams of moving to New York.

Throughout the book, it's impossible not to feel outraged or sympathetic for Jeanette and the Walls family. There were times when all I wanted was for Jeanette to punch her father in the face, or otherwise cause physical harm. The characters and story of their lives make for a fascinating, emotional, and wonderful book. This story gave me a whole new perspective about life and what it could be like. I ended up rooting for the Walls family the entire time.

Why I picked up the book: I had a recommendation from a teacher, and I also really loved the cover.

Why I finished it: I couldn't even think of abandoning the Walls family.

I'd give this book to:
Anyone that wants to feel better about their lives, root for the main characters, or anyone just looking for an amazing read.

My Rating for this book: *****

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